Hogwarts Legacy: Account Link Rewards Are Coming, But There's Bad News... - theGeek.games

Hogwarts Legacy: Account Link Rewards Are Coming, But There’s Bad News…

By linking their WB Games and Harry Potter Fan Club accounts, Harry Potter fans can make essential choices in Hogwarts Legacy well before launch.



Hogwarts Legacy will allow users to link their WB Games accounts to their Harry Potter Fan Club accounts, so they can make critical in-game decisions before launch, such as which house they will be assigned to and which wand they will buy from Ollivander’s shop. The game is set for release on February 10 2023, so by linking accounts, Harry Potter fans can prepare for the game well before launch.

Hogwarts Legacy players who want to link their WB Games and Harry Potter Fan Club accounts can start the process by clicking here.

Once players have created their Harry Potter Fan Club account, they will be invited to participate in the ceremonies required to obtain their wands, as well as the Tablets of the Horns ceremony to be inducted into their Hogwarts House. They will be given an 8-digit code to link their accounts on the WB Games website so that when they play Hogwarts Legacy next year, they will have their wand and Hogwarts House information ready from the start. When the game actually launches, another code entry will be required, but this seems relatively straightforward.

Of course, Harry Potter fans are not obliged to take advantage of this option: in this case, they will go through the usual ritual of the Goblet of Wands and purchase their wands. However, those who choose to link their account in advance will be rewarded with a beaky skull mask and a house cheerleading school uniform to customise their character in the game. They will also receive an exclusive wallpaper.





Linking Hogwarts Legacy accounts is just one of the ways players can gain an advantage in the new game.

Some Harry Potter fans will actually have the chance to play the game a few days before the release date. Those who choose to pre-order the Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition will get early access for 72 hours, effectively giving them full access to the game on February 7 instead of February 10.

Pre-ordering the Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition is one way for Harry Potter fans to get early access to the game, but they can also get early access if they manage to get the Collector’s Edition – which was snapped up almost instantly.


We get flying, but what about Quidditch?!


The absence of Quidditch from Hogwarts Legacy has been confirmed on the game’s official FAQ page. Fortunately, there will still be plenty of broom flying in the game, but we won’t get to try out the legendary wizarding sport.

“Quidditch is not playable in Hogwarts Legacy,” reads the official FAQ. “However, broom flight for traversal and broom race challenges are part of the game. Players can also fly brooms to explore new and familiar locations surrounding Hogwarts Castle.”

Playable Quidditch has existed in the past, and the sport even got its own video game, Quidditch World Cup.

The rest of the FAQ is also worth a read, as it goes into a lot of detail about what fans can expect in Hogwarts Legacy when it launches on February 10, 2023, including how much of Hogwarts players can explore, what classes they can take, how levelling works, and more.

There’s also talk of the involvement of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has become known in recent years for her transphobic comments. Rowling is “not involved in the creation of the game, but as creator of the wizarding world and one of the world’s greatest storytellers, her extraordinary body of writing is the foundation of all projects in the Wizarding World.”

Source: Wizardingworld.com, WB Games, Hogwartslegacy.com

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