George R. R. Martin Didn't Play Elden Ring, He Revealed Why! [VIDEO]

George R. R. Martin Didn’t Play Elden Ring, He Revealed Why! [VIDEO]

The writer (without whom, for example, the Game of Thrones series would never have been made), who created the game’s lore for FromSoftware, has spoken candidly about why he didn’t play the Japanese studio’s highly successful game.


George R.R. Martin is still working on the latest instalment of the Song of Fire and Ice books (which spawned Game of Thrones) and wants nothing to stop him from writing the book, as he considers himself an addictive personality. He believes that if he were to grab a controller, he would be doing something other than what he should. He was talking about it with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.

The latest of the Song of Fire and Ice books was published in 2011, and Martin says that people are looking forward to the sixth book, The Winds of Winter and that if he started playing FromSoftware now, he would do the same thing he did when he was younger: he would get hooked on the Elden Ring. “I have, unfortunately, an addictive personality. I played video games a long, long time ago, like Railroad Tycoon, Master of Orion, and Homeworld, and I would get sucked into it. Weeks, months would go by and I’d be sitting there in my red flannel bathrobe just saying ‘one more game, one more game.’ I can’t. I gotta go cold turkey on this; this is going to kill me here,” Martin said.

He revealed that he knew from the beginning that he would have to write the Lands Between, and he’s happy with his work: he thinks it’s the most beautiful game he’s ever seen! “FromSoftware made it clear that Elden Ring was going to take place in, let’s say, ‘the present’ of the game universe. What they wanted me to write was what happened 5,000 years before that, that totally screwed up the world, so that the present was really messed up. I went back and I wrote a history of what happened 5,000 years before the current game, and who all the characters were, and who was killing each other, and what powers they had. It’s the most beautiful game I’ve ever seen. It’s amazing and amazingly detailed, and the people who play it love it, and I’m very gratified to have been a part of it,” he added.

At least he’s honest!

Source: WCCFTech

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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