Would PlayStation Buy Out The Veterans Founded Studio Ballistic Moon?!

Ballistic Moon is a newly founded team of nearly 50 employees that have not yet published a game. But PlayStation could be on the verge of a swoop.



After Sony bought Bungie, Jim Ryan made it clear that they were not stopping there. In this case, the rumour or leak relates to Ballistic Moon. A studio that has not yet released a game. So far, all we know is that PlayStation is working on a new video game with this studio.

According to a user called PSFans_WW, if you go to the PitchBook website, you can see that Ballistic Moon has been acquired by Sony.

It currently has 47 employees and has not yet released a game. This website specialises in “providing financial data and software to thousands of business professionals worldwide, with comprehensive data on private and public markets”, according to its official website.

If true, this acquisition has not yet been made official but could be announced in the coming days or weeks. The company is an indie studio based in Farnborough, UK, founded in 2019 by several industry veterans. Their game in development with PlayStation is codenamed Project Bates, the title is not yet known, but it is said to be developed on Unreal Engine 5.

Among the industry veterans involved in the project is Joshua Archer, who worked on Horizon: Zero Dawn and Until Dawn. There’s also creative director Neil McEwan, who worked on Syndicate (EA). Also worth mentioning is the production and business director Duncan Kershaw, who has worked for SEGA, THQ, EA and Square Enix. Finally, we must not forget Chris Lamb, who is the CTO of Ballistic Moon and one of the founding partners.

Source: PitchBook, Twitter

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