Top 5 hardest achievements in World of Warcraft

Top 5 hardest achievements in World of Warcraft

Why do fans love World of Warcraft? Of course, for the exciting plot, a huge variety of magnificent locations, and a large number of interesting characters, each of which has its own destiny. And also the players like that in this game there have always been many difficult missions that cannot be completed the first time and you need to put in a lot of effort.


In order to earn achievements faster, each player needs to be concentrated, know the game mechanics well, and be able to play in a team. You will also need resources – real (such as the time that you can spend on the game) and virtual (such as in-game resources – WoW Gold, which is not so easy to get). And if the availability of free time depends only on you, then boosting services can help you with the purchase of gold.




Today we are going to tell you about some of the hardest achievements that exist in World of Warcraft.


250,000 Honorable Kills and 10,000 World Quests Completed

Achievements are the same, adjusted for content type (PvP or PvE). These achievements are associated with different types of content, but are essentially identical, as both involve endless grinding. For example, 250,000 honorable wins usually stretch over several years, and many players can only dream of this achievement. Experienced PvP players get it faster, but also not immediately. If you plan to complete the achievement in 10 years, you will have to kill 69 players a day, but on epic battlegrounds, this is a little easier.


As for world quests, they only appeared in Legion (8,2 on IMDb), so only the most persistent and active PvE players can achieve 10,000 world quests. On the other hand, world quests are organically included in the current content, so that the achievement associated with them can be completed without performing any additional actions for about a few years.


Hero of the Horde / Hero of the Alliance

It is awarded to players who have completed a PvP season in the top 0.5% of their faction’s Battlegrounds leaderboard. Completing the achievement requires diligence, exceptional playing skills, and a fair amount of luck. The difficulty of the completion is highly dependent on the conditions of the season and the faction, but in any case, this is a significant achievement. By tradition, only a few become heroes of the Horde and the Alliance. They receive the appropriate ranks and gladiatorial transport (however, there are other ways to obtain transport).


Insane in the Membrane

This achievement has been in the game for a long time and is one of the great feats. To get it, you need to upgrade your reputation with six special factions.


The first faction is the Black Raven. First, you need to kill 4200 Syndicate members in Stromgarde (before Revered). After that, you need to get 1405 Heavy Strongboxes and take them to Black Raven Manor (if you are playing as a human, you will need fewer strongboxes).


The Darkmoon Fair needs no introduction. Complete tasks and participate in fair events until you gain a reputation.


To gain a reputation with the Bloodsail Pirates, you need to kill the guards in Pirate’s Bay. Please note that killing the guards reduces the character’s reputation with all goblin factions. Gain Respect and travel to Tanaris. Kill pirates of the South Sea until you reach an Exalted reputation with goblins.


As a result of all these actions, you will receive a great feat and the title of Nutty. Previously, the achievement required having Revered Pirates and Exalted with Goblins at the same time, but at some point, this requirement was removed. Now, when the reputation is changed, the corresponding point is not reset, and this fact greatly simplifies the life of the players.


What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been

This is a seasonal achievement added to the game in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

The long and strange journey consists of a bunch of other achievements that can be completed during seasonal in-game events. The first event is the Lunar Festival, which takes place in the last two weeks of January. During this time, players can complete 12 special quests from the To Honor One’s Elders achievement.


Love is in the Air starts on February 12th, lasts for two weeks, and allows you to complete 12 more Fool For Love achievement quests.


The Miracle Garden can be visited in April. This event includes eight Noble Gardener achievement quests. Children’s Week takes place in May. It is known for its PvP achievement, which requires capturing flags on various battlefields in the presence of an orphan. For the flag, you have to compete not only with representatives of the enemy faction but also with your allies, eager to complete the same task For The Children!


The fiery solstice starts in June. It lasts two weeks and allows you to complete six achievements. Brewfest starts in September, lasts two weeks, and includes five achievements.


Hallow’s End takes place in October and includes eleven Hallowed Be Thy Name achievement quests that must be completed in two weeks.


Ends the year with Winter Veil. This holiday takes place in December, lasts three weeks, and allows you to get the last eleven tasks of the Merrymaker achievement required for What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been.


And finally, the Brewfest, during which you have to get five more Brewmasters.


Of course, you can start with the nearest event, but in any case, the journey will take you exactly a year. If you miss any milestone achievement, you will have to wait another year for the corresponding holiday.


Honor Level 500

This achievement is a complete grind. To reach Honor level 500, you need to get 4,400,000 Honor points. If you’re not into PvP, then that’s a lot, a lot. The number of players who have this achievement is very small, and those who still managed to get it are very likely to


All these are very difficult achievements and you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve them. But getting them guarantees you respect and recognition among World of Warcraft fans.



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