The Consultant – The Road to Hell is Paved by a Consultant

MOVIE REVIEW – What would you do if one day a mysterious stranger turned up in your office instead of your boss, claiming to be your new consultant? What if this stranger wanted to make decisions not only about your job, but also about your life? What if you found out that this stranger might not be human? These are the questions facing CompWare game studio employees in a new series for Amazon Prime Video, created by Tony Gilroy (The Bourne Affair) and Christoph Waltz (The Dirty Brigands).



The Consultant is set in a Los Angeles video game development company hit by an unbelievable tragedy: their boss and colleagues die in an explosion. The survivors are still in mourning when Regus Patov (Christoph Waltz) arrives, claiming to be the company’s new consultant. Patov soon takes control of the company and interferes in the work and private lives of the employees. But who is this man really? Why is he acting so strangely? And why does he seem to be manipulating everyone?



Psychological thriller about terror at work


The Consultant is not only a gripping crime thriller, but an in-depth look at how workplace violence and harassment affects people. CompWare employees live in constant anxiety and fear of Patov, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Patov not only stirs up conflict and strife among his staff, but also interferes in the most intimate aspects of their lives. He observes them with cameras and microphones, blackmails them with their secrets and weaknesses, manipulates them emotionally and physically.

Another important element of the advisory is the fate of the supporting characters, which develop under Patov’s influence. The series shows how the advisor influences and changes the lives and personalities of the employees. Some people resist Patov and try to find out something about him, while others submit to him and follow his instructions. The series thus presents not just one main villain, but a whole group of people who react in different ways to the situation. The series also raises moral dilemmas and the importance of human choices.



A brilliant performance by Christoph Waltz


The greatest virtue of The Consultant is undoubtedly the performance of Christoph Waltz, who perfectly plays the mysterious and menacing character of The Consultant. Waltz exudes a charisma on screen that both attracts and repels the viewer. Patov’s character is full of mystery and contradictions: sometimes he helps someone with a kind smile, sometimes he kills people in cold blood; sometimes he speaks wisdom about philosophy or music, sometimes he plays video games in a childish way; sometimes he calls himself a god, sometimes a devil. Waltz does a great job of conveying this diversity and ambivalence without losing the unity and authenticity of Patov’s character.



Mysterious science fiction about supernatural forces


The series is not only a psychological thriller, but also a mystery sci-fi that explores the existence and effects of supernatural forces. Patov is no ordinary man: he has the power to influence people’s thoughts and actions. For example, he can communicate with them telepathically or hypnotise them. But where do these abilities come from? Why use them for evil? And what is the purpose of them? The series gradually doles out the answers to these questions, while unravelling new mysteries.

For example, Patov is linked to a secret organisation that gathers people with similar skills and trains them. The aim of the organisation is to control and manipulate humanity. Patov, however, is not completely obedient to the organisation: he has his own plans and motivations, which he does not share with anyone. The series also shows that Patov is not the only such being in the world: there are others who use or abuse their abilities.



The genre blend of horror satire


Another interesting feature of the consultant is the genre mix of horror satire and satire, which is an unusual sight. It doesn’t just seek to scare the viewer with Patov’s evil or paranormal abilities, but also to make them laugh with humour and satire that showcases the absurdities of the video game industry and corporate culture. The series is full of scenes and dialogue that both make the viewer laugh with exaggeration and irony, and make them think about social problems and human nature. For example, Patov often talks about how he is the master of games and how he creates reality. In contrast, the lives of employees are increasingly becoming a nightmarish game with no rules or truth. In this way, the series not only entertains, but also criticises our modern world.



A compelling drama about human nature


The series is not only a mystery sci-fi but also a compelling drama that explores the diversity and complexity of human nature. CompWare’s employees are not mere victims or sinners: they all have virtues and flaws, desires and fears, hopes and disappointments. The story shows how they react to different situations and decisions, how friendships and enmities develop between them,

Overall, Amazon’s The Consultant is a gripping and entertaining horror satire that not only showcases the genius of Christoph Waltz, but also asks interesting questions about the video game industry, corporate culture and human nature. The series is perhaps overly violent or bizarre in places, but this does not detract from the viewing experience. The series is recommended for anyone who enjoys mystery thrillers and dramas with a touch of black humour.


The Consultant

Direction - 8.2
Actors - 9.2
Story - 8.5
Visuals/Music/Sounds/Action - 7.5
Ambience - 8.4



Amazon's The Consultant is a horror satire about a mysterious consultant who takes control of a video game development company and manipulates the lives of its employees. The series captivates the viewer with a brilliant performance by Christoph Waltz, a gripping storyline and dark humour.

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines – including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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