Transformers: The Rise of the Beasts is a reboot

Transformers: The Rise of the Beasts is a reboot

MOVIE NEWS – The new seventh Transformers movie is sure to ignore the previous five Transformers productions directed by Michael Bay, making it a complete reboot of the franchise means The sixth robot opus after Bay’s departure, Spacewalker was already a prequel film, just as Age of the Beasts is, but in a way that is completely outside of the previous canon and guides it into a parallel universe the viewer. Never mind, this happens with superhero stories too.


ScreenRant took a look at what’s going on now. Perhaps the biggest evidence of the launch of the new Transformers series is the introduction of the new main villain, Unicron. The planet-eating giant already appeared in the last Bay movie, Transformers: The Last Knight: it turned out that the Earth was formed around his remains. However, with this, the series fell into a trap, as Unicron can no longer be included without the Earth being destroyed. Unless the story starts all over again with a new Unicron. Based on The Rise of the Beasts trailer, this Unicron is alive and well, eating planets, so we’re in another Transformers galaxy, sometime ten years before the story of the first Bay film.

The next telling fact is that The Rise of the Beasts follows the timeline of Spaceman, so the with the film about the yellow robot, a reboot really began, the story of which runs parallel to the story of the Bay films.

It’s also obvious that if the stars of the Bay films, Shia LaBaouf and Mark Wahlberg, are not even hinted at in digitally rejuvenated versions of Beasts, then it really is a new era.

Which definitely indicates that a new dawn is dawning in the Transformers world: the main characters get robot armor, or more precisely a multifunctional exoskeleton, so they too can throw themselves into it as full-fledged fighters themselves into the fray. In the Bay films, it should not have happened that human characters dress up as fighting robots. When the new protagonist of the new world, Anthony Ramos, receives his armor from Spaceman, it guarantees that the clashes will be more intense and the viewers will be able to identify even more with the robots and the now somewhat with robot-like human heroes.

(Transformers: The Rise of the Beasts – domestic release: June 8, 2023)

Source: UIP

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts | Official Trailer (2023 Movie)

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