The Killer: Could David Fincher's New Movie Repeat The Success Of Se7eN?! [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

The Killer: Could David Fincher’s New Movie Repeat The Success Of Se7eN?! [VIDEO]

MOVIE NEWS – David Fincher’s upcoming Netflix film The Killer reunites the director with the author of the instant classic Se7en after 28 years.



Netflix’s The Killer marks a long-awaited reunion between director David Fincher and one of his key collaborators. Fincher has emerged as one of the most influential filmmakers of the last 30 years. But his career got off to a famously bumpy start with Alien 3. That 1992 sci-fi sequel was an agonising production for all concerned. It could have killed his film career before it even began. But a few years later, he was back on track with the classic thriller Se7en.

The film’s incredible performances, rich visuals and shocking twist ending set off a string of great films.

David Fincher’s film output has slowed down noticeably over the last decade. Meanwhile, he has concentrated on TV series such as Mindhunter. While his Netflix biopic Mank received positive reviews, it was quickly forgotten after its release in 2020. But his upcoming thriller looks set to return to form. The film follows Michael Fassbender’s hitman for the title role after a job gone wrong. Not only does it mark the return of Fassbender – who has been largely absent from the big screen since 2019 – but The Assassin also marks the big reunion between Fincher and Se7en screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker.


The Killer reunited David Fincher and the writer of Se7en


Walker’s script for Se7en caused a stir in Hollywood. Many filmmakers and studios were put off by how dark and violent the material was. Only thanks to the insistence of future director Fincher and star Brad Pitt did the ending survive. The success of the film transformed the careers of all of them. Walker later became a writer on films such as Sleepy Hollow, while also working as a screenwriter on films such as Event Horizon and Fincher’s Fight Club. While Netflix probably won’t be promoting The Killer with this big reunion, it’s still exciting.

Fincher and Walker have sympathetic creative instincts, and their first big collaboration would, in many ways, have defined their careers going forward.

When it comes to dark psychological thrillers, few do it better than Fincher and Walker (as the Nic Cage thriller 8MM shows). The duo have some excellent source material in the original comic. The combination of Fincher, Walker and Fassbender makes The Killer a must-see. Hopefully, it will be a return to form for all three.

Source: YouTube

THE KILLER | Official Teaser Trailer | Netflix

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