New Steam Deck Arrival is Certain Despite Denials

Official data has leaked about the device, which will eventually bring a refresh to the existing model.


The Steam Deck, introduced in February of the last year, provided an impressive performance compared to the portable format at launch, but more than a year has passed since, and a slightly stronger ASUS ROG Ally has also hit the market. Therefore, it’s understandable that users are anticipating a more powerful Steam Deck.

A few weeks ago, an employee of Valve emphatically denied that they would launch such a device in the near future, but this does not mean that there will not be a new Steam Deck at all.

Initially, a South Korean regulatory entry revealed a mysterious “Model 1030″ device being locally approved last month. It seemed like it wasn’t a Steam Deck, but recently, according to reports from The Verge, the product also appeared in the database of the U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission), clearly identifying it as a Steam Deck.

Brad Lynch, who also noticed the Korean entry, looked at the FCC information and concluded that the update with model number 1030 definitely includes a new Wi-Fi 6E (6 GHz) compatible network card. What other novelties are hiding in the device, or whether there has been any further development, is unknown for now.

The authorization in South Korea and the United States suggests that this is a product intended for global distribution, although this is not guaranteed based on two countries alone. The announcement of the Steam Deck revision remains a mystery, and of course, it’s not ruled out that we are looking at a mere silent update, for which the manufacturer does not plan to release a statement.”

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