Game of Thrones Actress Cersei Shared a Striking Alternative Finale Idea!

MOVIE NEWS – Lena Headey shares her idea for an exciting alternative ending to how Game of Thrones could have ended for her iconic character Cersei Lannister.


Game of Thrones actress Lena Heady shares an exciting alternative idea for how the series could have ended for Cersei Lannister. Headey’s performance as Cersei has been one of the most consistently praised elements of the popular series. One of the most common criticisms of the final season is that it was underutilized and that the ending was not convincing enough. Instead of the coveted head-to-head confrontation with Arya Stark or Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei and Jaime Lannister were killed by the falling ruins of the Red Castle during the Battle of King’s Landing.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Headey was asked if she had thought about what the ideal Game of Thrones ending would be for Cersei. The actress shared an alternate ending she discussed with Maisie Williams, who plays Arya, one that would culminate Cersei’s story, her relationship with Jaime, and Arya’s old desire to kill the Lannister queen. You can read Headey’s comments below:

I think we’ve all been like that, to be honest, because you start trying to write the story yourself. And [Arya Stark actress Maisie Williams] and I fantasized about a Cersei and Arya showdown; about him returning as Jaime. This was our dream. But they decided otherwise.


Would Headey’s idea have worked well?


Headey’s idea is compelling, arguably a more positive ending for Cersei and Jaime. It links back to the character’s actions in Season 1 and his role in betraying House Stark and having Ned Stark executed on the orders of his son Joffrey Baratheon. Although he greatly weakened House Stark, he never found Arya, and it would seem like poetic justice if Arya were the one to kill him. If Arya wore Jaime’s face, it would be even better, as Cersei’s trust and love for Jaime would also be part of the loss.

This ending would mean that Cersei’s past choices and relationships had a more direct impact on her death. It would also be better for Jaime, as it would mean he could still play a role in ending his story without actually having to reunite with his sister. Another common criticism of Game of Thrones Season 8 is that Jaime’s rewarding character development took a back seat when he left Brienne of Tarth and instead chose to reunite and die with Cersei. Arya wearing a Jaime-like face means she can still influence her sister’s ending without undermining her character development.

Cersei is still on Arya’s list, and between her time training with the Faceless Men, this ending could be seen as a satisfying culmination of Arya’s journey. The only problem is that this means Arya would have ended the series choosing death over life. One thing Season 8 does well is Arya choosing to live rather than die to potentially kill Cersei. Having him make that decision and explore the uncharted world that lies west of Westeros makes for a satisfying ending that wouldn’t have worked with Headey’s Game of Thrones ending.

Source: ScreenRant

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