Samuel L. Jackson Believes That Mace Windu Is Alive – But Would He Want To Reprise The Role?! [VIDEO]

MOVIE NEWS – According to Samuel L. Jackson, the Jedi Master is still alive. He was recently asked if he would reprise his role in Star Wars…



Samuel L. Jackson is convinced that Mace Windu is alive. As fans are well aware, Jackson played the incredibly powerful Jedi Master in all three of George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels. But in the new issue of Empire magazine, which celebrates the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom, Jackson insists that Windu is still alive. Jackson put it succinctly in his interview with Empire:


However, in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Windu appears actually to die. After all, the Jedi is thrown through the broken window of Chancellor Palpatine’s (Ian McDiarmid) office after being thoroughly burned by the future Emperor’s Force Lightnings.

But if somehow the Jedi Master was able to survive that fall, Jackson is ready and willing to do anything in a Disney+ series centered around Mace Windu.

In the same interview, Jackson said how he would respond to an invitation:


If Windu did indeed survive the wrath of Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Palpatine, and after the Jedi recovered, it would be interesting to tell Windu’s story among the events of Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV –  A New Hope. If Windu is really alive, it’s hard to imagine why he wouldn’t reappear and try to stop Darth Vader and the Emperor’s galactic rule. Even if he didn’t know that Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and Yoda (Frank Oz) were still alive.


How did Samuel L. Jackson become Mace Windu?


The only problem with Samuel L. Jackson’s appearance in the Star Wars prequel trilogy is that his character, Mace Windu, doesn’t have enough to do.

However, fans got a glimpse of his abilities when Master Windu and Palpatine had an epic lightsaber battle before Anakin turned to the Dark Side.

Today, even co-star Ewan McGregor is aware of how much people love prequels. But the criticism these films faced over the years never bothered Jackson. He told Howard Stern this back in 2016. Jackson also admitted that he loves Star Wars and even asked if he could be in the prequels when he was on a talk show back in the day. “I would love to be in Star Wars,” Jackson said.

Jackson didn’t really put much thought into what he said on the talk show. However, while filming his next film, Sphere (1998), someone told the actor that George Lucas wanted to meet him. Since Skywalker Ranch was nearby, Jackson went and visited Lucas.

When the famous director couldn’t decide what role to give Jackson, he told him that he would even be happy to play an Imperial Stormtrooper if only he could appear in the film!

Lucas must have been impressed by Jackson’s enthusiasm, since he was given a much more serious and memorable role. Mace Windu is now one of the most beloved Star Wars characters of all time. Which is largely due to Jackson’s devoted performance.

Source: Empire, YouTube

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