Hellblade 2: Important Information Revealed About The Length And Performance Of The Game!

Ninja Theory explains that the decision was made to give Hellblade 2 a “cinematic” experience.



Mark your calendars for May 21st, the release date of one of the year’s best games! Media impressions have been out for a few hours now, and almost everyone is amazed by Ninja Theory’s work. Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is very promising and is eagerly awaited by many players. Now, several exciting details about Xbox Game Studios’ action-adventure game based on Celtic mythology have come to light.

More details have been revealed today about the upcoming work from the British Ninja Theory team, one of which is that Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 will run at 30FPS on Xbox Series X/S, although the studio has confirmed that on PC, it can be different depending on its components.

So, we will be able to play with more than 60FPS on PC. The title’s creators explained why they decided to limit the game to this frame rate.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 will run at 30FPS on Xbox X Series X/S with dynamic resolution. They also clarified that there will be no graphical modes. The special effects director highlighted in his article for GamePro that this allows the game to provide a “movie-like” experience. From seeing gameplay footage and hearing from those who have already played it, it doesn’t seem like this will be a problem at all. Because this is a hyper-realistic game that leaves no one cold. Although most of the environments will be dark and grey, there will be sunny and bright areas to boast ultra-realistic graphics. We can see this from the trailers and gameplays that were released earlier.

It’s clear that Ninja Theory takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 5, and even though it runs at 30 FPS, it builds on the full power of Epic Games’ graphics engine.

In the news about Hellblade 2, it was already warned that it will only be released digitally, at a price of 50 euros. Its length was also reported in the same publication. It has been confirmed that it will be a game of similar length to Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. According to How Long to Beat data, Hellblade 2 can play between 7-8 hours. Maybe more, depending on how you play the game. We only have to wait until May 21st for the title to debut on PC and Xbox X Series X/S. If you’re interested in the game but don’t want to buy it immediately, don’t forget that it will debut on Xbox Game Pass when it’s released.



A különböző trailerek már megmutatták, hogy a Ninja Theory a Senua's Saga esetében mindent belead a grafikai minőségbe. Senua's Saga Hellblade 2



More details on Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2


Delving deeper into the length aspect, IGN had a chance to speak with studio boss Dom Matthews, who defended Hellblade 2’s length because that’s what gamers like, shorter games. He’s not wrong when he says, “There’s a lot of pressure on people’s time these days.”

He adds that one reason for the decision to favour shorter products is digital distribution, which has opened the way “to games of all shapes and sizes.”

Matthews explained that Hellblade 2 is “the right shape and size of experience”. His specific statements are as follows. “I think what we always set out to do is to tell a story and for the game length to be appropriate for the story that we want to tell,” Matthews said. “So it’s not really a case of setting out to make shorter experiences. I think it is… There is a story that we want to tell here with a beginning, middle and end and what is the right shape and size of experience to tell that story? So that’s kind of where we start.” A few years ago, Ninja Theory’s co-founder said that Hellblade 2 would be so polished that the first game would “feel indie.”

Ninja Theory understands that there are players who really like their games to be short. “So I’m really pleased to see that there’s a lot of people that actually enjoy a shorter experience, something that they can sit down on a whatever Friday night, stick their headphones on, turn the lights off and kind of sink into an experience and players who don’t necessarily want something that is 50 hours long, a 100 hours long, so it’s as long as it needs to be. And I’m one of those people, I like shorter games,” says the British studio boss.

Source: GamePro, HowLongToBeat, IGN

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