Will Three SEGA Franchises be Annual?

If the rumors are true, the Japanese company could end up in the same situation as Ubisoft with Assassin’s Creed and Microsoft with Activision Blizzard’s Call of Duty.


Assassin’s Creed used to be released annually, and the quality of the games eventually suffered, causing Ubisoft to rethink the whole thing. Call of Duty is on a similar path (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III was not perfect…), but these stories do not stop SEGA from adding a new game a year to Like A Dragon, formerly known as Yakuza, Persona and Sonic. This was reported on Twitter by Midori, a suspiciously knowledgeable insider:

“The current plan at Sega is to make Like a Dragon, Persona and Sonic annual franchises through new titles, remakes and remasters, DLC expansions and other media. I think this is unannounced information, but it does not mean that a new numbered Persona title will be released every year. Spin-offs also count as new titles. The quality of the Persona series should not change as multiple titles are being developed simultaneously over multiple years. The current stage of Persona entered development in 2019. The current stage is Persona 6, Persona 3 Reload, Persona 5 Tactica, and Persona 5: The Phantom X,” Midori wrote. The Phantom X is a mobile spin-off that’s currently only available in Japan, but the publisher hinted at an expansion in its financial report…



According to Midori, Like A Dragon, Persona and Sonic are SEGA’s three main pillars in terms of brands, so these are the three IPs that the Japanese company will be relying on. Persona and Like A Dragon were more niche franchises and have become more mainstream in recent years. Persona 6 hasn’t even been announced yet and is rumored to feature two main characters and lots of customizable DLC.



None of this is official yet!

Source: WCCFTech, Gematsu, SEGA

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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