When Size Matters to a Gamer – Top 10 Video Games with a Projector (X)

TOP 10 – The enjoyment of video games can be elevated to a new level with the right technology. Projectors, like the Hisense TriChroma C1 4K Projector, allow the stunning graphics and exciting stories of games to appear in huge size and excellent quality. In this article, we present the AAA games that are particularly impressive when played on a projector.


The use of projectors in video games is becoming increasingly popular as they allow players to enjoy their favorite games on a huge scale on a room wall or projection screen. The Hisense TriChroma C1 4K Projector is particularly suitable for this purpose, with its impressive color reproduction and sharp image ensuring the best gaming experience. Below we present the games that are outstandingly spectacular and exciting when played on a projektor.


Kratos szinkronszínésze, Christopher Judge egy apás viccekkel teli videót osztott meg, miközben folytatja a visszaszámlálást a God of War: Ragnarök megjelenéséig.


  1. God of War Ragnarök (Sony Interactive Entertainment, Action-Adventure)

Our review of the game.


The stunning visuals and epic story of God of War Ragnarök provide an ideal projector gaming experience. With the Hisense TriChroma C1 4K Projector, the game’s massive battles and beautiful landscapes come to life. The detailed graphics and dynamic combat scenes are even more captivating on a huge canvas. It’s worth enjoying the gameplay in a darkened room for maximum contrast and color richness.



  1. Gran Turismo 7 (Sony Interactive Entertainment, Racing)

    Our review of the game.


The car racing game Gran Turismo 7, with its meticulously crafted car models and realistic tracks, is a real visual treat. With a projector, the races provide a true big-screen experience. The shine of the cars and the details of the tracks provide an impressive sight. It is recommended to project the game onto a high-resolution, smooth surface canvas for the best quality.


Chad Stahelski azt mondja, hogy nem sieti el a Ghost Of Tsushima adaptációját


  1. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut (Sony Interactive Entertainment, Action-Adventure)

    Our review of the game.


The beautiful landscapes and intricately crafted characters of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut are even more captivating when played on a projector. The lifelike colors and contrasts of the Hisense TriChroma C1 4K Projector allow players to fully immerse themselves in the world of samurais. The medieval world of Japan and our samurai clashes, reminiscent of Kurosawa’s best films, look particularly good in large size.

Fejlesztői naplón a Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – a fejlesztők bemutatják, milyen ingerek érték őket, míg végül Izlandra került az új játék.


  1. Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (Ninja Theory, Action)

    Our review of the game.


The dark and intense world of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II can almost be felt when played with a projector. A good projector excellently conveys the game’s dark tones and detailed graphics. In this Viking mythology-themed game, on a huge projection screen, players can better experience the protagonist’s psychological journey and the intensity of battles – especially when fighting against gigantic monsters. For the best experience, it is recommended to play in a completely darkened room so that the game’s dark scenes are even more dramatic.

Az Ancient Gods teljes előzetese csak a Gamescom-on jön, ahol majd a brutális DOOM Eternal is felbukkan.


  1. Doom: Eternal (Bethesda, First-Person Shooter)

    Our review of the game.


Doom: Eternal’s fast-paced, action-packed gameplay and stunning visuals provide an even more intense experience when played on a projector. The Hisense TriChroma C1 4K Projector’s sharp image and fast refresh rate perfectly capture the intensity of the game. The large screen allows players to better oversee the chaotic scenes of combat and enjoy the detailed graphical elements.”


TESZT - Az EA Sports friss futball-identitása töretlenül örökíti tovább a múlt örökségét: az FC 24 névváltása ellenére a FIFA lényegét megőrzi, miközben számos érzékelhető, bár nem forradalmi újítást csempész a tavalyi játékmechanikába.


  1. EA Sports FC 24 (Electronic Arts, Sports)

    Our review of the game.


EA Sports FC 24’s soccer game provides a real stadium experience on a large screen. At such a huge size, players can truly feel as if they are participating in a real football match, and the game’s detailed characters and fields look especially good in large size. Score that goal for the Swiss that Hungarian footballers missed!


TESZT – Az Assassin's Creed franchise név hallatán azonnal felcsillan a szemünk, hiszen az elmúlt 16 év során a játékipar egyik meghatározó szereplőjévé nőtte ki magát.


  1. Assassin’s Creed Mirage (Ubisoft, Action-Adventure)

    Our review of the game.


Assassin’s Creed Mirage is set in the city of Baghdad in the 9th century. Players can explore historical sites with parkour moves and combat. When played on a projector, the detailed buildings and streets are even more prominent. The city appears even more lifelike in larger size as we freely roam medieval Baghdad with the main assassin character. A ‘leap of faith’ from a high tower has never been as spectacular as it is with a projektor!

exkluzív Cyberpunk 2077 - A Mátrixban, vagy a John Wick filmekben is felbukkanó Keanu Reeves az E3-on nagyot alakított, amikor megerősítésre került, hogy a Cyberpunk 2077-ben lesz. CD Projekt


  1. Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red, Role-Playing)

    Our review of the game.


Cyberpunk 2077’s neon-lit, futuristic world comes to life when played on a projector. The Hisense TriChroma C1 Projector’s sharp image and rich colors perfectly convey the details and atmosphere of the game world. On a large canvas, Night City’s details and rich, crazy colors come out much better. Of course, it is also recommended to enjoy the gameplay in a darkened room for maximum experience.

Egy Rockstar-bennfentes szerint a Red Dead Redemption 2 kurrens konzolokra való optimalizálása állítólag a GTA 6 fejlesztésének esett áldozatul.


  1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games, Action-Adventure)

    Our review of the game.


The wild west landscapes and detailed characters of Red Dead Redemption 2 are even more impressive when played on a projector. Red Dead Redemption 2, although released in 2018, remains one of the most beautiful games ever made to this day, thanks to Rockstar’s incredibly meticulous and artistic work. On a projection screen, you really feel like you’re the protagonist of Once Upon a Time in the West!

The Last of Us Part II - Akkor már érdemes lesz várni a Sony feltehetőleg június környékén megrendezésre kerülő műsorára, ugyanis idén nem fognak az E3-on részt venni a japánok.


  1. The Last of Us Part II (Sony Interactive Entertainment, Action-Adventure)

    Our review of the game.


“The dark and emotional story of The Last of Us Part II provides an even deeper experience when played on a projector. The Hisense TriChroma C1 Projector’s lifelike colors and detailed graphics allow players to fully experience Ellie and Abby’s life-and-death struggle through the game. On the big screen, the game’s dramatic scenes and brutal confrontations are especially cinematic, and that clever ending hits even harder…”


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