Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition: The Remaster Settles an old Debate! [VIDEO]

There’s been a debate about Beyond Good & Evil (BG&E) for twenty years, but the remaster has finally put an end to it.


The Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is laggy and the texture upscaling isn’t quite perfect, but it does include a content expansion that should appeal to fans of the original. There’s a mission sequence that links the long-announced second game, which may never be finished in its current state, to the first (BG&E 2 will be a prequel story, and it’s no longer Duke Nukem Forever that has the longest development time, but Ubisoft’s game).

The video embedded below talks about the new treasure hunt. Jade gets more video diaries that give a taste of the characters in BG&E 2. We’ve seen them in presentations and trailers over the last sixteen years (ridiculous, but it was actually announced by Ubisoft in 2008, during the Ubidays back then! Among them is a monkey named Knox. The footage shows Jade’s childhood on the pirate ship Gada, where she lived with her uncle Pey’j. These are nice hand-drawn scenes, and it seems that the character we were led to believe was Jade’s father is probably not.

The recordings are narrated by Dakini, the captain of the Gada, and in one of them she openly admits that she is Jade’s mother. For almost two decades, there has been a debate about who Jade’s mother might actually be, but with this scene, Ubisoft has confirmed who it is. It’s not an alien, it’s not a clone, it’s the Captain. Of course, BG&E 2 could still do some interesting things with Jade’s backstory, so Ubisoft could even make her the rebellious child of a pirate queen.

However, we can only continue to doubt. In our opinion, Beyond Good & Evil 2 will never happen, and even if it does reach gamers, it has already become a disgrace to the gaming industry. Duke Nukem Forever was also a disappointment after years of anticipation.

Source: PCGamer

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