Darkest Moment in Star Wars Takes on a Tragic New Depth – Here Are the Details!

MOVIE NEWS – A recent Star Wars comic has managed to make the darkest moment of the original trilogy even darker…



This saddening Star Wars revelation is as if it was plucked from the hidden corners of our minds. While it adds new depth to a crucial moment in the original trilogy, it makes the scene even more heartbreaking.

There are many dark moments in Star Wars. True, they are often sufficiently veiled and ambiguous for us to interpret the events according to our own discretion. Our imaginations can conjure such horrors without vividly seeing them on the screen.

That said, sometimes it’s essential to understand the total weight of a fictional event, and for that, we need a metaphorical slap in the face. This is what this new SW release provides.

Star Wars “The Path of Darkness” #48 shows us the suffering that Princess Leia had to endure after she was unable to save her “home planet”.

The original film does a beautiful job of depicting the agony. But it’s a fleeting scene that doesn’t show what happens on the planet’s surface or how Leia feels after such a tragedy. The latest issue of the comic book series finally shows what the movies don’t.

Although this is a dream scene, the guilt for not being able to prevent the destruction of Alderaan is real. In the dream, we see Leia at the control panel of the Death Star, single-handedly pulling the lever that destroys the planet.

As bleak as it all sounds, Leia’s post-traumatic stress disorder doesn’t stop there. It then places her in an alternate sequence in which she watches the Death Star emerge as a child.

Such concepts of grief and loss were only explored on a superficial level in the film. There was no time to dwell on the lasting impact of these pivotal moments.

Now, we can see how this affected Leia. And all of this is as grim as the event that inspired these nightmarish visions.

Source: ComicBook.com

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