Gladiator II: What Historians Say About the New Trailer

MOVIE NEWS – The trailer for Gladiator II has arrived, and it’s already stirring up conversation. consulted historians to assess the historical accuracy of Ridley Scott’s latest epic, which continues the story 25 years after the first film.


The historians from the fact-checking site Bad Ancient pointed out minor inaccuracies in the trailer. For example, they noted the lack of shirtless gladiators, as body armor was not commonly used in the arena. They also mentioned that shields were used aggressively as secondary weapons, not just for defense.

Historians also pointed out that most gladiators were not the lean bodybuilders depicted in Hollywood but larger, heavier fighters who could deliver powerful blows. Additionally, the wounds on a fleshier body were more visually dramatic and healed faster.

The depiction of emperors Caracalla and Geta in the trailer also raised some eyebrows. Historians noted that the characters in the film resemble stereotypical villains more than the actual historical figures, who were part of the Severus dynasty and had Mediterranean features.

However, historians appreciated the inclusion of Denzel Washington, highlighting the film’s commitment to ethnic diversity, as the Roman Empire was home to many different peoples who played significant roles in its history.

(Gladiator II – domestic release: November 14, 2024)

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