PlayStation VR2 Now Compatible with PC: Easy Setup and Great Performance [VIDEO]

TECH NEWS – The PlayStation VR2 headset will finally become compatible with PCs next week, and according to a new video shared online, it works just as well on PC as it does on PlayStation 5.


As reported by Gamergen on YouTube and summarized by ResetERA forum members Cilidra and DjRare, the Sony headset performs very well on PC, with good tracking, image quality, and easy setup, even with the app’s beta version. The only complaints are the same as for using the headset on PlayStation 5, namely the headset’s cable and sweet spot. Ultimately, the adapter that brings PC compatibility is a great purchase for those who already own the headset and a VR-ready PC, thanks to its low cost. However, those who don’t own the headset might find other compelling options, according to Gamergen.

It’s encouraging to hear that the PlayStation VR2 works well on PC. Introducing compatibility with the most common VR gaming platform and its recent price drop may breathe new life into the headset, which hasn’t been supported by Sony as much as it should have been. You can learn more about the headset by checking out Kai’s review.

With a price tag fitting next-generation hardware, the PlayStation VR2 headset offers a virtual reality experience unique to the PlayStation 5 ecosystem. Only time will tell if the new technology is worth the investment, but all the design changes and new features make me excited about what the future holds for PlayStation VR2.



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