Samsung Chairman Orders Full Investigation Over Allegations of Copying Apple’s Designs

TECH NEWS – Samsung’s chairman has initiated an investigation into claims that the company’s mobile division copied Apple’s design.


The recently unveiled Galaxy Buds 3, Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, and Galaxy Watch Ultra have been pointed out by various media outlets and individuals as bearing a striking resemblance to Apple’s designs. Reports suggest that Samsung’s Chairman Jay Y. Lee has ordered a comprehensive investigation into the MX Division to address these allegations of design plagiarism.

The chairman’s intervention follows a surge in reports of design plagiarism and quality issues. An industry official mentioned that the internal atmosphere at Samsung is “very bad.” A report from AjuNews, noted by X user @lafaiel, indicates growing tensions within Samsung’s MX Division, also known as mobile experience. Despite growth in the previous two quarters due to Samsung’s push of generative AI features under the Galaxy AI banner, the company has faced severe criticism over quality control issues with the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro. Even if production issues were not a problem, the chairman was alerted to the design plagiarism allegations.

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Using Apple’s design as inspiration is one thing, but completely copying it is another, which is unacceptable to Jay Y. Lee. An insider noted increasing tensions within the MX Division, stating that the chairman intervened after the controversy surrounding the Galaxy Buds 3 and Galaxy Watch 7 lineup. The internal atmosphere is reportedly “very bad,” suggesting multiple employees might be investigated for failing to use original and creative ideas in their products.

The report does not specify the exact repercussions, but given the harsh nature of the tech industry, Chairman Jay Y. Lee might push MX Division head TM Roh to replace current employees with new talent who will strive to design products that significantly differ from the competition.

Source: AjuNews

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