Samsung SmartThings Platform Awarded ISO 27001 Information Security Certification

TECH NEWS – SmartThings, Samsung’s global connected living space platform, has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for the International Standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). The certification recognizes SmartThings’ achievements in information security and service management capabilities, building even deeper trust among customers and partners.


ISO 27001 is the leading global standard for information security management systems created by the International Organizations for Standardizations (ISO). The standard provides guidance to companies for the systematic management of risks affecting information assets and the achievement of information protection goals.

This certification was issued by the UK’s globally recognized standards body, the British Standards Institute (BSI). In order to obtain certification, a company must meet the standard in a total of 123 different points, including information security policies, control of access to information assets, and incident management, among others.

With this certification, Samsung proves that the information protection of SmartThings Cloud works according to international standards while providing an integrated connected experience. This official recognition can further increase trust in the company and strengthen business competitiveness – not only among SmartThings users, but also among partners.

“The importance of cloud technology and information security is increasing in the rapidly changing business environment said Harold Pradal, BSI President of Insurance Services. – We recognized that the functionality and security level of Samsung SmartThings is excellent.”

“SmartThings receiving ISO 27001 certification is the result of our continued focus on information security in an exponentially growing intelligent, hyper-connected world,” said Seungbum Choi, executive vice president and head of Samsung’s Device Platform Center. – This is another step in our efforts to strengthen the security of the platform. We continue to look for new ways to provide SmartThings personalized services even more securely.”

Source. Samsung press release

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