Wicked the Movie Avoids the Pitfalls of the Medium

MOVIE NEWS – For more than two decades, the play entitled Wicked has been an indispensable hit on American stages and touring companies, which depicts the character development and complex psychological complexities of the two main witches of Oz, the wonder of wonders he analyzes his life before the understanding ears of the audience. The long-awaited film was also completed, and according to the first reviews, it was not spoiled, because they avoided one of the biggest pitfalls that can threaten such a production.


Critic Lisa Geurts has already seen parts of the film – more precisely from the first part, because the entire production will be released in two parts – and says that the creators solved the task with a perfect sense of proportion . In the case of a fairy-tale film, that is, fantasy, there is a huge temptation these days to entrust everything to computer animation, Wicked, however, does not fall into this trap. Real actors play in a real, carefully constructed environment, but with such inventive solutions that the audience never for a moment has the feeling that it is a filmed stage production.

Geurts says one of the most attractive features of Wicked is its ability to inject today’s raw reality into the timeless tale: the actress who plays the two main witches,Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande walk in landscapes that are not of this world, but still familiar to all of us, from our dreams.

(Wicked – domestic premiere: December 5, 2024.)

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