Elizabeth Banks Exposes the Dark Realities of Aging in Hollywood’s Brutal Beauty Industry

MOVIE NEWS – Elizabeth Banks takes center stage in the upcoming movie Skincare, where she portrays Hope Goldman, a beauty salon owner grappling with the relentless pressures of the Hollywood beauty scene. In this dark and thought-provoking film, Banks navigates the extremes that business owners endure to achieve success, especially in the competitive and superficial environment of Los Angeles. The movie is a stark exploration of how the beauty industry has become obsessed with youth and perfection, a theme also highlighted in Demi Moore’s recent film The Substance.


In a candid interview with MovieWeb, Banks shared her thoughts on the modern obsession with aging and beauty, particularly in the digital age. “There’s so much to unpack about aging and beauty, especially online where everything can be filtered, and everyone can be Botoxed and filled,” Banks said. She emphasized that society is losing sight of the value and wisdom that comes with aging. “We’re collectively obsessed with staying young, and it’s gotten out of hand. It’s almost insane when you think about how far it’s gone,” she added.

Skincare is set against the backdrop of Hollywood 10 to 15 years ago, offering a detailed and sometimes grim portrayal of the beauty industry. “The movie meticulously builds this world of LA back then,” Banks noted. “We capture how ruthless the beauty business can be, but at its core, it’s an existential crisis that resonates with anyone, no matter their industry.”

The tension in the movie escalates when Hope’s business faces a serious challenge as a younger, more innovative competitor, Angel (played by Luis Gerardo Méndez), opens a rival salon right across the street. Angel’s de-aging products pose a direct threat to Hope’s Italy-produced beauty gems, and the fact that he is noticeably younger only intensifies the rivalry.

Reflecting on her character, Banks shared, “Hope’s fear of becoming irrelevant really hit home for me. It’s something I see in my own life—this constant anxiety about what’s new and what’s next. I felt a strong connection to Hope because she is an aging woman in an industry that worships youth and novelty above all else.”

Banks also commented on the rapid pace of technological change, which adds to the sense of instability many feel today. “We’re all trying to keep up, but it’s hard to feel grounded when everything around us is moving so quickly. The way we’re doing this interview is different from three years ago, and who knows—maybe in two years, I’ll just be an avatar of myself,” she said with a laugh.

Skincare, produced by IFC Films, will be released exclusively in theaters this Friday.

Source: MovieWeb

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