Home Learning and Artificial Intelligence – a Third of Hungarian Parents Fear it, a Third Already Use It

TECH NEWS – Every third family already uses AI for education in some way, but the same number reject modern technology – according to a joint representative survey by MediaMarkt and Opinio, which was conducted on the occasion of the start of school with the involvement of 1,150 people. The research also reveals that 42% of parents raising children aged 6-14 study with their children every day.


The bell will ring soon, but school is starting not only for the children, the school year also challenges the parents. With autumn approaching, MediaMarkt was curious about what the start of school means from the parents’ point of view. Home teaching, typical of the quarantine period, has remained with us, at least among parents raising students aged 6-14, as 42% of them study with their children at home on a daily basis. Mothers do their part somewhat better in this task, as 45% of them deal with the curriculum every day, while 39% of fathers take the time to study together with their child.

Many parents (27%) sit down to study with their children before major papers/assessments, while 16% sometimes take time out on weekends to go over the lesson together. Only 15% of those who rarely or never study together with their child.

The majority of parents studying with their children (42%) spend 1-2 hours on occasion, while a third (33%) devote half an hour to this activity.


Six out of ten children have their own “gadget”


The majority of families use mobile phones (55%), laptops (45%), desktop computers (28%), tablets (24%) and ebooks (7%) for their child’s learning , however, almost a quarter of them (24%) do not use any electronic device as a help.

The number of electronic learning devices per family also varies from household to household.More than half of the parents participating in the research (59%) said that their school-age child has his own gadget, while only 23% said that the child learns on the parent’s device. 12 percent of families have only one shared device.


Artificial intelligence is used in the family of every third schoolchild


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most topical issues of our time and provokes huge debates among professionals and laymen alike. The research proved that parents are really divided on the issue: 33% use AI in some way to learn with their child, 33% do not use it, but are interested in it, and 33% reject the new technology for this purpose.</span >

The results are also divided in how they use artificial intelligence: 13% jointly use AI, while in the case of 11%, only the parents turn to the technology to get help with a more difficult topic. Nine percent of students use artificial intelligence independently.

“In 2024, the AI ​​revolution is taking place, sooner or later all of our lives will be affected by new technology. It is important that we use the opportunities provided by artificial intelligence well and consciously, and we can integrate its advantages in several areas. Children’s learning at home and the development of their skills is a topic in which AI can effectively help future generations – but also their parents. According to our research, more and more families are recognizing this” – said Gábor Szilágyi, managing director of MediaMarkt Hungary.


Is digital learning a danger or an education for independence?


Parents find instructional videos to be the most useful among learning aids (29%), but many also like various student applications (22%). Artificial intelligence was also on the list with 8%, however, a fifth of parents (20%) said that they do not use any online solution for their child’s learning.

The research also sought answers to the basic question of how parents relate to their children’s use of “gadgets”. The majority (43%) believe that the future belongs to electronic devices, so it is important that the child learns to use them well as soon as possible. 34% of parents also share this opinion, but they strongly limit the use of smart devices. Fourteen percent are those who prefer to see the danger in devices and would like their child to reach for the phone and tablet as rarely as possible. The remaining 10% believe that life will teach the child to use technology – they do not feel that they have a role in this.

(The opening image is the artwork of the video game System Shock)

Source: Astoria Agency


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