No Man’s Sky: Gigantic Sci-Fi Adventure Delves Into Cosmic Horror?! [VIDEO]

The latest, 16th “expedition” of No Man’s Sky, The Cursed, enriches the survival game experience with a new space horror adventure…



Hello Games has been releasing countless updates to No Man’s Sky. Its massive efforts have shaped a gigantic universe with no shortage of hostile planets, all kinds of creatures, and various activities. Now, to celebrate that Halloween is just around the corner, the development team has unveiled a new update that strongly emphasises cosmic horror: It’s The Cursed.

Released as the 16th expedition of the sci-fi title, The Cursed aims to take players to a twilight realm where they must survive amidst strange visions and sounds from other dimensions. According to the description shared on the official website and the trailer (see below), the boundaries between dimensions in this new universe are very weak. Thus, travellers will have to manage to stay out of existence by keeping an eye on the status of the Anomaly Suppressor, an additional function of the exo-suit.

The expedition will last for two weeks and promises the rewards detailed below.

As you can imagine, such an adventure brings with it creatures that are very different from those seen in No Man’s Sky so far. In fact, Hello Games specifically highlights the appearance of Spectral Anomalies in the title. These ghostly creatures are able to travel between the boundaries of realities and simply observe the player’s movements through The Cursed expedition. However, if the user’s Anomaly Suppressor weakens, these figures will start to behave hostilely…


Cthulhu-style helmet and spaceship among the rewards of No Man’s Sky expedition


Players who complete No Man’s Sky’s 16th expedition will receive a number of rewards if they prove worthy. Of particular note here is a Cthulhu-style helmet (not exactly identical to H.P. Lovecraft’s creature, but the similarity is undeniable) and a Boundary Herald, a classic UFO-like spaceship. It is also worth noting that players will also receive a bioluminescent and somewhat plastic-looking mount.

All of this is complemented, as is customary with No Man’s Sky updates, by decorative posters, thematic pieces related to The Cursed content, and a special jetpack. Those who love gaming will find it hard to resist Hello Games’ invitation to spend Halloween in a cosmic horror setting…

Source:, YouTube

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