Anora Shines in Unexpected Places: Acclaim for Baker’s Latest Film

MOVIE NEWS – Director-screenwriter Sean Baker, known for his gritty portrayals of life on society’s fringes, brings us Anora, a film so compelling that it clinched the Palme d’Or at Cannes and is an Oscar contender in four categories.


Anora plunges into the world of sex workers, following the journey of its titular character (played by Mikey Madison), a New York stripper available for “extra” services. She becomes the unlikely girlfriend of a Russian oligarch’s son (Mark Eydelshteyn), and soon enough, their relationship embodies the dialectic theory: after a whirlwind romance, they tie the knot in Las Vegas, oblivious to the inevitable backlash from the oligarch’s ruthless family, who send hired hands to end the affair.

Critics are unanimously praising the film, but one voice stands out: Brisdon Roberts, a California-based sex worker, shared his thoughts on He regards Anora as one of the rare films on the industry’s depths that feels authentic and respectful. With his insider knowledge, Roberts highlights Baker’s meticulous research, noting the characters’ true-to-life portrayal that echoes the real-world experiences of sex industry workers.

Roberts commends Baker for consulting active sex workers, including Andrea Werhun, a Canadian who authored Modern Whore, and Sophia Carnabuci, a Brooklyn-based pole dance instructor who trained Madison in the art of dance and unique lingo. Many supporting actors in Anora are active sex workers themselves, playing their roles with striking authenticity.

(Anora – Hungarian premiere: November 7, 2024)

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