Borderlands 4 Creator’s Controversial Take on Controller Vibration

“It takes me out of the experience.” Randy Pitchford, the creator of Borderlands 4, shared a divisive opinion about controller vibration, stating that it distracts him. According to Pitchford, the vibration “reminds him he’s holding a controller” and pulls his attention away from the screen.


Since the introduction of controller vibration, it has become a core feature for enhancing video game immersion. Whether it’s the recoil of a weapon, the rumble of an engine, or the footsteps of a nearby enemy, this feature aims to connect the player with what’s happening on-screen. With the advent of the DualSense, this functionality reached new heights. However, not everyone shares this enthusiasm, and some argue that vibration detracts from, rather than adds to, the gaming experience.

Randy Pitchford, the mind behind the successful Borderlands series and a significant figure in the gaming industry, recently sparked debate on social media (X/Twitter) by sharing his thoughts on the matter. Pitchford believes that vibration disrupts his immersion instead of enhancing it.


Randy Pitchford: Vibration Distracts from the Gaming Experience


The Borderlands 4 creator stated that feeling the controller vibrate only serves as a reminder that he’s interacting with a device, pulling him out of the action. “Controversial opinion: A vibrating controller takes me out of the experience instead of making me feel more immersed. It reminds me that I’m holding a controller and directs my attention to it instead of what I was seeing on screen before the vibration,” Pitchford wrote.

One user replied, saying she felt the same until she played Astro Bot with the DualSense. Pitchford acknowledged her perspective but clarified his stance. “Using a controller as a haptic feedback device can be really cool. There are plenty of games I love that implement this feature well. But that’s a different way of thinking compared to being fully immersed in the game’s world and forgetting that you’re even holding a controller,” concluded the Gearbox Software CEO.

Source: 3djuegos

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