Rockstar and Take-Two’s game hasn’t “escaped” graphical evolution in a dozen years, and there have been some significant changes.
Earlier this month, Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Edition was released for PC, with Rockstar finally bringing the previously lagging PC version up to par with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions. Visually, it’s a big improvement, but the system requirements have also increased (but if you’re worried, you can still get the old version on Steam: Grand Theft Auto V Legacy is just that).
In the video embedded below, ElAnalistaDeBits shows what Grand Theft Auto V looked like on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in the fall of 2013, and what Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Edition looks like on PC now. It’s been almost twelve years between the original and the latest release, and the level of improvement is considerable when you consider draw distance, vegetation, detail, shadows and reflections. We should add that the PS3 and X360 still have pretty strong graphics today, and given that it was at the end of the console generation that Take-Two released Grand Theft Auto V, perhaps this is no coincidence.
Rockstar Games has released this installment in the series for three different generations, but now it’s really time for something new, and it’s no wonder that the public is looking forward to Grand Theft Auto VI. All we officially know is that Take-Two will release it for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series sometime in the fall. We wrote recently that the improvements seen in Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Edition, such as Ray Traced Global Illumination (RTGI), could be a technology that will be in the new game, and from that we can deduce what frame rate (30 FPS) we can expect on the current generation consoles.
12 years is a long time…
Source: WCCFTech
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