An ’80s Sci-Fi Cult Classic Paved the Way for Kyle MacLachlan’s ‘Twin Peaks’ Character

MOVIE NEWS – Kyle MacLachlan’s iconic portrayal of Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks had roots not just in David Lynch’s earlier works, but intriguingly, in an often-forgotten sci-fi action gem from the late ’80s.


FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks remains one of television’s most memorable protagonists. Cooper’s distinctive looks, quirky mannerisms, and unusual methods of investigating the murder of Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) have cemented “Coop” as arguably Kyle MacLachlan’s most famous role. Interestingly, aspects of Cooper’s character appeared even before Twin Peaks debuted in 1990. Both MacLachlan (New York Times) and series co-creator David Lynch (LA Times) have described Cooper as an older version of Jeffrey Beaumont, MacLachlan’s character in Lynch’s 1986 film Blue Velvet.

However, just one year after Blue Velvet, MacLachlan portrayed another character who may bear an even closer resemblance to Dale Cooper—though Lynch had nothing to do with this particular film. This character is Lloyd Gallagher, one of the two main protagonists in the cult sci-fi action thriller The Hidden (1987). Like Cooper, Gallagher is an FBI agent whose investigation draws him into bizarre and supernatural circumstances. MacLachlan imbues Gallagher with many traits that would later define Dale Cooper: quirky, intelligent, enigmatic, and deeply empathetic. Interestingly, The Hidden also features another Twin Peaks actor, Chris Mulkey, who portrayed Hank Jennings in the series.

The Hidden follows LAPD Sergeant Tom Beck (Michael Nouri) and FBI Agent Lloyd Gallagher (MacLachlan) investigating a string of inexplicable crimes across Los Angeles. Ordinary citizens without criminal records suddenly commit violent crimes, from armed robberies to stealing sports cars. Much of the film revolves around high-speed car chases and shootouts set to a soundtrack packed with lesser-known ’80s rock tracks.

But what elevates The Hidden beyond typical ’80s action fare is its sci-fi twist. Unbeknownst to authorities, these crimes are committed by hosts possessed by a small, insect-like alien parasite. The creature gives its hosts superhuman strength and bullet resistance, and can transfer itself between bodies when its current host is too damaged, complicating police efforts to capture it. This complexity breeds tension between Sergeant Beck and Gallagher, as Beck becomes suspicious that Gallagher knows more than he admits.

The practical effects used to depict the parasite’s grotesque body takeovers resemble those in The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, also distributed by New Line Cinema. In fact, The Hidden was produced by Robert Shaye, founder of New Line and producer of Elm Street, and directed by Jack Sholder, who helmed the second Elm Street film. Yet, these scenes lean more strongly toward classic body horror films such as David Cronenberg’s Videodrome (1983) and The Fly (1986), or John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982).


Kyle MacLachlan, the FBI, and Paranormal Investigations


Gallagher’s role in The Hidden parallels Cooper’s in Twin Peaks. Both characters are FBI agents dispatched from Washington D.C. to assist local police on the West Coast in solving disturbing cases. Each employs unconventional investigative methods initially met with skepticism by local law enforcement. While Cooper uses dream interpretation in his investigations, Gallagher relies on his knowledge of extraterrestrials to track the parasite’s body-swapping. The Hidden’s alien parasite mirrors Twin Peaks’ malevolent entity BOB, who similarly possesses and controls individuals.

MacLachlan’s portrayal of Gallagher also shares Cooper’s characteristic calmness and politeness, notably contrasting with Beck’s gruff, intense demeanor. Gallagher communicates in concise, matter-of-fact sentences reminiscent of Cooper’s speaking style. When Beck demands Gallagher share all he knows, Gallagher calmly replies, “An explanation will not help you.” Even when pressed further, Gallagher repeats his statement with unwavering calm.

Source: MovieWeb

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