Grand Theft Auto VI: Take-Two Has Deleted the Fan-Made Map Without Warning!

Take-Two didn’t even warn the modder first, but took the mod for Grand Theft Auto V off the Internet without warning.


A dedicated modder went to great lengths to create a playable version of the map from Grand Theft Auto VI in the previous episode, but Take-Two immediately decided to have none of it and sent a battalion of lawyers to remove the videos of the project from the Internet, and as a result the modder, Dark Space, removed the download links as well.

Dark Space based his project on a Grand Theft Auto VI community mapping project that attempts to model the world of the upcoming game based on trailers and leaked information. He says he always feared Take-Two would kill him. The publisher got YouTube to take down relevant videos of Dark Space, using its ownership of the IP. The download links were not taken down by the publisher, but the modder was careful and removed them himself.

“I basically created a playable Grand Theft Auto V map based on the leaks and trailer footage of Grand Theft Auto VI. They didn’t bother to email me. My guess is that the map was probably a little too accurate. They must feel threatened by the existence of the map, because they feel that a playable version of the map to drive around in could ruin the surprise and novelty of Grand Theft Auto VI when it is released. I removed the download links to my mod even though they didn’t ask me to, but I think it’s smarter to get out in front of them than wait for their email (which will never come). It took away a month’s income that I worked hard for two months to earn. In reality, my card did not negatively affect their sales. It built hype around the game and gave players something to enjoy while we waited for the next trailer from Rockstar. When are these companies going to learn to stop shooting themselves in the foot? Because it’s because of the community of players and modders that these companies can stand,” Dark Space said.

It was sad, but to be expected… and it was a project driven by the passion of the fans, which, in the minds of the publisher’s top executives, risked spoiling the hype of Grand Theft Auto VI…

Source: PCGamer

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