Cloud Imperium Games’ and Roberts Space Industries’ upcoming game leaves Kickstarter in the dust yet again.
In 2017, Kickstarter’s gaming category had 17.25 million dollars funded, which isn’t a small amount of money… but the developers told Polygon that they raised 34.91 million dollars in 2017 for Star Citizen! With this amount, Star Citizen beat Kickstarter’s gaming category for the second year in a row. The image isn’t complete, mind you: Crytek might be taking a bit of the sum as they accuse the developers of using CryEngine.
There are a lot of refunds as well, and seeing how someone spent thirty thousand dollars already in 2015, who knows what could happen? Also, Kickstarter slowed down: less big projects got funded via this site, and the gaming category also saw a drop from the 2016 17.6 million dollar amount.
Star Citizen, which was announced in 2012, as well as its single player part, Squadron 42, is long-awaited – they currently have no release dates set.
Source: Polygon
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