The interpreter, known for his role in Blade Runner, voiced the protagonist of Observer.
The news of the death of actor Rutger Hauer, known for giving life to Roy Batty in Blade Runner, has not only moved the world of cinema but also the videogame industry, as this Dutch actor gave voice to Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts III and the protagonist of Observer, the thriller adventure developed by the authors of Layers of Fear. Precisely Bloober Team wanted to dedicate some beautiful words to the interpreter.
“He was a brilliant actor. Having the opportunity to work with him was pretty exciting for the whole team,” highlights the creative currently working in Blair Witch. “We will always remember his first visit to the studio with an energetic and bright smile; and that he was no longer especially young,” they continue in their writing.
From the team after Observer, however, the passion with which he faced his work giving life to Daniel Lazarski stands out. “He spent hours and hours with the team analyzing each word of the dialogues; looking for the perfect way to convey all those emotions and find the perfect performance.” That is why the team believes that Dan was no longer an exclusive creation of Bloober Team. “The amount of work and ideas that Rutger Hauer introduced into the character surpassed our most crazy dreams.”
After completing their work the team maintained contact with the actor. “We treat him as a member of the team and his absence has left a void that no one else can fill. As a consolation, we have a sincere smile and positive energy. And with that we will stay exactly,” they conclude in their brief.
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