Tag: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare

A Free Weekend (Again)…

We have a bit of deja vu… Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is available in a free trial until…

Call Of Duty: Infinite…

The third DLC, called Absolution, got a release date on Sony’s platform. Four multiplayer maps (Bermuda, Permafrost, Fore, as…
The zombie adventures continue with the new episode called Shaolin Shuffle. This will take us to 1970's New York, and the new guest star character will be formed by Pam Grier.

Call Of Duty: Infinite…

A release date a few new details for the second DLC. You can expect the usual deal in the…

A Free Weekend For…

It’s getting more common: AAA games getting free periods. This time around, PC owners are in an advantage. Call…
Which deserves to be in the TOP 10?

TOP 10 games of…

The Magnificent Ten

A Game That Outsold…

In the United Kingdom, there are some… interesting results. Last week, two major games launched. Both are exclusive to…
The release date is also starting to take shape: Titanfall 2 has to be out in the next fiscal year.

Titanfall 2 Might Arrive…

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment won’t leave 2014’s Titanfall as a single entity, as there is a sequel in…
We can't wait for the E3!

Sony’s E3 Conference Dated!

E3‘s one of the main participants is going to be Sony. We should be giving them a lot of…