Chernobylite Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Chernobylite


Chernobylite: More Than Just…

While we’ve already reported on the Nintendo Switch port of the first three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, another game set in…

Chernobylite Releasing Today On…

Chernobylite is a science fiction survival game that was created by The Farm 51, that takes place in the…
Guerrilla Games has confirmed that the development of Horizon Forbidden West is now complete

[GSC 2021] Three Games…

One of these titles is one that was already rumoured to get delayed into next year.   Sony Interactive…

Chernobylite: Another Trip To…

This Chernobyl tour is led by The Farm 51 (the makers of Get Even). The developers started talking about…

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