Tag: Clementine

We're thrilled to be able to share this with you. Stay tuned for more info on this new season as we head towards the premiere this fall!

Did The Walking Dead…

A careless Australian retailer might have just slipped the potential release date. We’ve been waiting for the third season…
Alig várjuk már az őszi rajtot: eddig is a The Walking Dead volt a Telltale zászlóshajója, ezt illene folytatniuk a harmadik szezonnal is.

The Walking Dead Season…

Clementine returns, and maybe Telltale can claim their throne back as well. Years after the events of the second…
We're thrilled to be able to share this with you. Stay tuned for more info on this new season as we head towards the premiere this fall!

[E3 2016] Clementine Makes…

On Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, Telltale joined IGN to reveal the world’s first sneak peek at the next…
Promising. Until the game arrives, we will finish off the Michonne mini-series. It ends today, so expect a review by the weekend, folks.

Who Will Return In…

We already knew that The Walking Dead‘s third season will launch by the end of this year. The franchise’s…
Hold on... looks like Telltale will keep their word and will indeed release the game in the fall of 2015 on both the PS4 and the PS3.

The Walking Dead: „A…

Telltale‘s hype machine is working on maximum rev, but they are hyping us about The Walking Dead in a…