Tag: Gabe Newell

Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Valve: Steam Deck Will…

Gabe Newell has already delayed their portable Steam Deck once (and we’ve written about what the real reason behind…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

The Steam Deck Battery…

Valve’s portable PC, Steam Deck, is missing a feature that might be important …   We hear new information…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Don’t Worry,…

When we wrote about the Steam Deck the last time, we predicted something when we said that whatever will…
Valve CEO Gabe Newell confirmed this during a talk in New Zealand

Valve Is Investing Heavily…

Valve CEO Gabe Newell confirmed this during a talk in New Zealand     Virtual reality has finally established…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Reveals…

For example, the Steam Deck, a portable PC that was postponed from this year, has been given a SoC…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Categorizes…

Gabe Newell’s company puts all games on Steam into four categories regarding its portable PC, Steam Deck that will…
Steam - In the midst of the war over the dominance of PC bazaars, there will be data that will help more than one developer to decide where to launch his videogame: Steam, since last April 28, has 1,000 million registered accounts.

Will Steam Allow Us…

Valve’s recently unearthed patent is pointing in this direction, but knowing Steam team, this update might occur at a…
According to Gabe Newell's team, in a few years, we may see a portable PC (as the Steam Deck is one...) that can reach 4K resolution.

Steam Deck: Valve Is…

According to Gabe Newell’s team, in a few years, we may see a portable PC (as the Steam Deck…
Valve Even Steam’s servers buckled under the Steam Deck pre-order rush.

Steam Deck: Valve Reveals…

From Windows 11 support to the battery life of streaming games, Valve has said a couple of things about…
Gabe Newell and his company believe that the previously sold Steam Machines computers helped significantly create the Steam Deck.

“Steam Machines Were A…

Gabe Newell and his company believe that the previously sold Steam Machines computers helped significantly create the Steam Deck.…