Game Boy Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Game Boy

TECH NEWS - At first glance, the gadget looks like nothing more than a copy of a Nintendo Game Boy (you can find handhelds like this in droves these days), but it can also be used to steal cars.

One Of The Zelda…

The fan demake isn’t perfect (there’s room for improvement), but it brings one of the games made for the…

Steam Deck Now Runs…

With the help of an adapter and an app, Valve’s Steam Deck now plays official Game Boy, Game Boy…
Nintendo leak - Streaming is certainly interesting technology.

Game Boy And Game…

The big N’s plan for the following platforms after NES, SNES, N64 and SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis games may have…
TECH NEWS - At first glance, the gadget looks like nothing more than a copy of a Nintendo Game Boy (you can find handhelds like this in droves these days), but it can also be used to steal cars.

Game Boy Games For…

TECH NEWS – More and more signs and hints appear that Switch Online Game Boy games will be compatible…
Renamed Elland: The Crystal Wars will be released in physical format for the Game Boy Advance 

Cancelled Dune Game For…

Renamed Elland: The Crystal Wars will be released in physical format for the Game Boy Advance     Dune…
TECH NEWS - At first glance, the gadget looks like nothing more than a copy of a Nintendo Game Boy (you can find handhelds like this in droves these days), but it can also be used to steal cars.

Thieves Stole Cars With…

TECH NEWS – At first glance, the gadget looks like nothing more than a copy of a Nintendo Game…
Game Boy’s father wanted to use stereoscopic 3D for his machine, dedicatedly researching the solution for VR, and finally, Virtual Boy became his last work.

Virtual Boy, The VR…

Game Boy’s father wanted to use stereoscopic 3D for his machine, dedicatedly researching the solution for VR, and finally,…
MOVIE NEWS - Concept artist Matthew Savage tells some of his references for the latest film in the saga.

The mythical Game Boy…

MOVIE NEWS – Concept artist Matthew Savage tells some of his references for the latest film in the saga.…
Although it did not reach the market, Akira, the famous work of Katsuhiro Otomo came to have two titles in production, a version for Game Boy and another one of 16-bits for Super Nintendo and Megadrive in 1994.

The prototype of the…

RETRO – The famous work of Katsuhiro Otomo was adapted to Game Boy, SNES and Mega Drive. Although it…
After the Vita, there is a need for new LIFE in handhelds. No, I don't mean Android and iOS platforms. Remember how many handhelds were made in the nineties? We need that to happen again, although it's unlikely to see that era return.

Gaming on the go…

The past, present, and future of handheld consoles

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