Guardians of the Galaxy Archives - Page 2 of 2 - theGeek.games

Tag: Guardians of the Galaxy

GameStop May Have Leaked…

Someone at GameStop is going to have a hard day… The agreement between Marvel and Telltale was formed in…

[TGA 2016] Telltale Announces…

The rumors weren’t lying! The Telltale–Marvel cooperation, which was announced over 1.5 years ago, will finally be showing some…

Thanks To The SAG-AFTRA…

Another comic book universe will receive an episodic game adaptation by Telltale. Back in April 2015, the partnership between…
Others on an even darker side of the spectrum wished harm against Gunn's pet cat, Emily.

James Gunn’s Answer to…

MOVIE NEWS – The recent shock that Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, was a HYDRA agent all this time,…
It was only just confirmed that Robert Downey Jr. will reprise his role as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, in the Spider-Man reboot, which will be a joint production between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, so perhaps they could be working on a crossover with the Guardians in that movie as well.

A Possible Spider-Man &…

MOVIE NEWS – Director James Gunn had been a very active presence on social media long before Guardians of…

Destiny – Guardians of…

The long wait is over. After a successful and generally well received beta, where everyone could try out the…

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