Tag: Microsoft Store

Epic Games - Tim Sweeney - In 2016, Tim Sweeney said about the UWP (Universal Windows Platform, allowing Windows 10 games to run on Xbox One and vice versa) that we should „fight” against it, and in July 2016, he also said that Steam would be made worse and worse on Windows 10 so that Microsoft would push its own Store with it.

Tim Sweeney Has Changed…

Previously, the head of Epic Games had quite harsh comments about the Microsoft Store, but the situation has changed……
The other positive thing is the obvious backward compatibility.

Microsoft: If You Don’t…

The Redmond-based company introduced something for Windows 10 and Xbox One. Microsoft Store finally got an option that has…
It probably won't happen again soon, although it would make sense: Dark Souls III launches in Japan on March 24 on PS4, XB1 and PC, followed by a localized release worldwide in April.

Dark Souls III: English…

Yesterday, information about Dark Souls III started to pour in. Let’s start with DigitalFoundry’s analysis about the Xbox One…