Tag: No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky - Hello Games - A few subjective nitpicks about No Man's Sky follow.

PlayStation 5 Pro: A…

Hello Games’ game is still expanding for free (Sean Murray, we’ve long since forgiven the game’s initial stumbling block!),…
No Man's Sky - Hello Games - A few subjective nitpicks about No Man's Sky follow.

No Man’s Sky: Sean…

The head of Hello Games is well aware that this extra 1% is a huge achievement for No Man’s…
No Man's Sky - Hello Games - A few subjective nitpicks about No Man's Sky follow.

No Man’s Sky Will…

Hello Games has confirmed that No Man’s Sky will be on Sony’s next-generation VR headset from day 1.  …
Bandai Namco will distribute physical editions of No Man's Sky.

We Finally Know When…

Bandai Namco will distribute physical editions of No Man’s Sky.     A few days ago, the Switch version…
No Man's Sky has received its 19th update, and there's no sign of slowing down...

Space Pirates Could Be…

No Man’s Sky has received its 19th update, and there’s no sign of slowing down…     Not even…
Hello Games' massive No Man's Sky universe will soon be in the palm of your hand...

No Man’s Sky For…

Hello Games’ massive No Man’s Sky universe will soon be in the palm of your hand…     No…
No Man's Sky Latest Update

No Man’s Sky Frontiers:…

No Man’s Sky does not seem to be stopping anytime soon, a new Update Frontiers was just released, and…
We haven't seen No Man's Sky in the last few weeks, but it looks like the devs really took their time to improve!

Hello Games Is Preparing…

Hello Games is now working on a game as big as No Man’s Sky was for them. No Man’s…
Hello Games has done a major turnaround with its game in three years.

No Man’s Sky: Hello…

Hello Games has done a major turnaround with its game in three years. No Man’s Sky has had a…
No Man's Sky - Hello Games - A few subjective nitpicks about No Man's Sky follow.

No Man’s Sky is…

The number of concurrent players was never been this high ever since the 2016 release of the game. No…