Tag: PS5

Akira Yamaoka has made us all excited, and this time, it wasn't because of some of the music he created - instead, it's because of a comment he made.

Is Silent Hill Preparing…

Akira Yamaoka has made us all excited, and this time, it wasn’t because of some of the music he…
Sony will adjust the price of the units to be created in 2022

PlayStation 5: We Learned…

Sony also updated the PlayStation 4‘s results, and the company is likely preparing for studio acquisitions. Sony published its…
Today, Sony Interactive Entertainment Santa Monica's game is going to get an update that will allow Kratos (who moves to the Norse mythology) and his son, Atreus, to fight with better performance on the PlayStation 5.

God Of War: The…

Today, Sony Interactive Entertainment Santa Monica’s game is going to get an update that will allow Kratos (who moves…
SEGA is doubling down on PC gaming, as one of its most popular franchises reaches almost 3 million units sold

Judgment: The Yakuza Spin-Off…

SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku (Yakuza) Studio’s game is being developed for three platforms, and one of them might…
Together, the two versions of Final Fantasy VII Remake have sold around 5 million copies, with FF7 being Square Enix’s most successful title.

Final Fantasy VII Remake…

Square Enix wants to surprise even those who have played the original game. Final Fantasy VII Remake launched almost…
Gran Turismo 7 - Although it's not the official name of the next Gran Turismo title, which is in development at Polyphony Digital for the next-gen PlayStation, but if it will be inspired by the previous games in the series, then it makes sense to call Kazunori Yamauchi's, the head of Polyphony's next game, as such...

Gran Turismo 7 Will…

We also learned how many users did Gran Turismo Sport get – this game went with a more eSports-oriented…
PlayStation 5 - japan stats

„The Japanese Developers Won’t…

Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba, two founders of PlatinumGames, claim that even though Sony‘s priorities (and mindset…) changed, the…
It seems to have been a delaying Friday: after The Medium, we see another game getting delayed out of 2020 altogether.

Control Ultimate Edition: You…

Unfortunately, Remedy Entertainment‘s game doesn’t offer a seamless transition between console generations. Yesterday afternoon, we discussed what Sony is…
CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

PlayStation 5: Scalpers Became…

In the United Kingdom, the scalpers who acquire huge amounts of the new consoles to resell them for multiple…
The arrival of the PlayStation 5 somewhat throws a spanner into the usual things.

PlayStation Plus: What Can…

As we are on the last Wednesday of the month yet again, the question stands those who spend money…

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