Tag: Ubisoft Connect

Play Skull and Bones before the multiplayer pirate game

Skull And Bones: Ubisoft…

The developer believes that with this move, Skull and Bones can convince a large number of players to give…
Play Skull and Bones before the multiplayer pirate game

Fan Favourite Pirate Game…

Ubisoft’s recently released online multiplayer game Skull and Bones may give new impetus to the decade-old Assassin’s Creed 4:…
Play Skull and Bones before the multiplayer pirate game

The Skull And Bones…

Play Skull and Bones before the multiplayer pirate game “launches” next week – if it actually launches…    …
It looks like Ubisoft will get into more broadcasts...

Can Ubisoft Close Your…

One Ubisoft user got this unpleasant surprise after taking an extended break.     Another horror story from the…
Ubisoft sexual harassment

Ubisoft Is Giving Away…

Under Happy Holidays, Ubisoft is giving out some free items and games until December 18. We already missed the…