Tag: Ubisoft

Far Cry 6

Far Cry’s Executive Producer…

It’s also a relatively turbulent time at Ubisoft, (because things aren’t all rosy at Activision Blizzard either…) the producer…
If only Ubisoft kept the game under... Quarantine, which was the previous subtitle for this Rainbow Six game before the coronavirus global pandemic hit us.

Rainbow Six Extraction Will…

The next Rainbow Six has been given a release date, although we’ve heard this before from other sources.  …
What Is Ubisoft Planning With Far Cry 3's Memorable Character?

Far Cry Series’ Veteran…

Dan Hay has been an executive producer at the company since the development of Far Cry 3.    …
Assassin's Creed Chronicles - I can only hope that the Russian finale will bounce back. The Chinese part was good, this one is just mediocre.

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy:…

“Three Assassins, Three Journeys, One Creed.”: this week, Ubisoft is giving away the Assassin’s Creed spin-off trilogy for free.…
Ubisoft's employees ask for help; the leadership does nothing. The French publisher's workers expressed their solidarity with Activision Blizzard as well.

“You Disappoint Us, M.…

Ubisoft’s employees ask for help; the leadership does nothing. The French publisher’s workers expressed their solidarity with Activision Blizzard…
Ubisoft sexual harassment

Ubisoft Canada Tries To…

Ubisoft Canada has announced that it will increase the salaries of its studio staff: but is this really a…
They promised to get a fresh look at the real content of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla this weekend at the Ubisoft Forward digital event, but to no avail...

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla: Tombs…

Ubisoft hasn’t talked much about Assassin’s Creed free event that surfaced via PlayStation trophies.   Assassin’s Creed’s official Twitter…
Assassin's Creed. One of today's best-known game developers and publishers, French-based Ubisoft, has recently announced two very ambitious projects.

Assassin’s Creed: Infinity Will…

The current Assassin’s Creed game has become the second-largest profit-generating title for Ubisoft. Compared to its previous instalment in…
Far Cry 6 A suspicious promotional image had led to suspicions and wrong headlines about Far Cry 6 being 4K only on Xbox. Is there is still hope for PS4 Pro and PS5?

Not Playing Far Cry…

Ubisoft will automatically send emails to players who don’t spend enough hours in Far Cry 6.   If you…
Ubisoft Toronto has publicly announced that they are looking for new employees for the project. Splinter Cell.

Has Ubisoft Finally Greenlit…

The French publisher may have accepted a concept for a more traditional return of Splinter Cell (because his appearances…

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