Tag: Wonder Woman

No wonder they ended up showing a video with everyone with all their intros and super moves.

Injustice 2: “Everybody’s In…

“Let’s go!” It’s Injustice 2‘s last stretch before the release, so NetherRealm and Warner stewarted to run out of…
Injustice 2, featuring a plethora of DC Universe characters, will arrive in 2017 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Injustice 2: Introducing Two…

NetherRealm Studios participated in the San Diego Comic-Con, and they took their chance to reveal two characters. Wonder Woman‘s…
Injustice: Gods Among Us free - Due to this, we get a sort of 2.5D mode which has been dominating the recent fighting games such as Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and the newest Mortal Kombat series. The same 2.5D style is used in Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Injustice: Gods Among Us…

RETRO - Whether the American comic book’s heroes are gods.

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