Tag: Xbox 360

Madden NFL 16 got…

EA Sports decided to flip the table with the generic trailers around YouTube for the upcoming games, and instead…
It might not be the greatest looking game out there, but the developers have done a great job.

[GC] Here’s the entire…

After having seen this thirteen minute long demo, we can kinda understand why Microsoft is considering Crystal Dynamics‘ Rise…
Rockstar themselves focus more on GTA Online as well, so it's unlikely to see a story mode DLC pop up soon.

You bought Grand Theft…

In September 2013, Grand Theft Auto V was released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 – just two months…

Sony: no backwards compatibility…

On E3, Microsoft announced that a few selected Xbox 360 games will be able to be played on Xbox…

Far Cry 4: Valley…

REVIEW – In a way, I consider this DLC as a missed opportunity. Ubisoft’s Shanghai arm could have built…

Slender: The Arrival is…

Slenderman sneaked onto the PlayStation 4 behind this week’s huge title Bloodborne, who came, saw and pretty much blew everything…

Sony Financials Reveal PlayStations…

IGN has revealed some interesting facts about sales of PlayStation units sold in Q1 2014. Though Sony doesn’t reveal…

PlayStation 4, Watch Dogs…

June’s sales results have arrived for the American gaming industry, and PlayStation 4 is once more the best-selling console…

Sony targets former Wii…

Sony is targeting pretty wide with the PlayStation 4, presenting games to all sorts of gamers, not just the…