Another franchise stepped into the ring: The Witcher, which got three game adaptations since 2007, originally was written in 1986 by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. Now, it is going to become a feature film, planned to launch in 2017, being the first in the series no less. The baseline for the movie will be The Lesser Evil short story.
We can expect some high quality visuals, as the project is led by Platige Films – this is related to Platige Image, and they were responsible for almost all cinematics in the Witcher games, so don’t expect them to screw this up. Tomek Baginski, who was nominated for an Oscar for his directorial role in The Cathedral, was responsible for the opening cinematic of The Witcher 2, so there should be no problem in this aspect.
Interestingly, Platige doesn’t even mention CD Projekt RED whatsoever, even though their games made The Witcher and Sapkowski’s work popular outside Poland, and they own the rights as well. Might be a trouble. Or not, we’ll see in the future!
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