Quake Champions: Taking A Look At The Sixth Character [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

Quake Champions: Taking A Look At The Sixth Character [VIDEO]

It’s another character’s turn to be presented in the much anticipated Quake Champions.

Galena is an unholy paladin (shouldn’t she be in World of Warcraft? – (No! Enough of World of Warcraft! 😀 BadSector), and she’s your typical tough guy… or lady. Her active skill is the Unholy Totem, which affects an area – near to it, Galena gets healed, while the other characters get hurt. The passive skill is called Channeling. That’s all we know about it. No joke, Bethesda seems to have forgotten (!!!) to detail that skill. So far, everyone’s skills got dissected in Quake Champions… (and even the website seems to ignore Channeling as well!)

She says that even the devil is afraid of her. So are we; we wouldn’t like to run into her in an unexpected moment in a dark alley, to say the least…

The game’s closed beta is in progress at the moment, and the retail version could see a launch later this year unless the new Quake gets a ton more characters. (Still, it’s sad that the „equal” Quake became an Overwatch clone…)

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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