God Of War: Not In 2017 After All? - theGeek.games

God Of War: Not In 2017 After All?

We first saw the new God of War during last year’s E3, and we already know that Christopher Judge, Teal’c from Stargate SG-1 amongst his roles, will be the voice actor of Kratos in the Norse-era adventure. On his Twitter bio, he listed the game with a 2018 release date, but since then, he has removed the year. Did Sony tell him to get rid of it? It’s alright, thanks to Neoseeker, we still have the image.

The game’s director, Cory Barlog, has responded to a fan question with runic typing, but we learned that the game might already have a release date, but he is not ready to reveal it yet. As usual, we’ll say the obligatory line: maybe Sony will tell us when the game launches on PlayStation 4. It could be Q1 2018.

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