Destiny 2: Fixed Weapon Perks Stay, A Lot Of Players Are Level Capped! - theGeek.games

Destiny 2: Fixed Weapon Perks Stay, A Lot Of Players Are Level Capped!

Luke Smith, the game’s director, talked about the short-term future of Bungie‘s game.

Smith gave an interview to the EDGE magazine, which was quoted by WCCFTech. Here, he said that more people reached the end of the campaign as well as reaching the level cap than originally they expected.

„There have been some pleasant surprises, but there are some that ask you to be introspective about them, too. An extremely high percentage of players have both finished the campaign and reached the level cap. Like, a shocking number of players. I think that’s a really interesting data point, and the team should be proud of that. It means that, when people enter the world, they’re sticking around.

I think one of the things we’ve got to make sure we’re doing right is if you play it for 80-90 hours, are you happy with where you got your character to? And where’s new stuff for you to do, are you interested in coming back?”

The question is important – those who played Destiny 2 extensively in the past month are unlikely to play the game as intensive as a month ago, partially due to the weapon perks, which are fixed, unlike in the first game. This change means players might get a lot of duplicate weapons.

„I’m still a pretty big supporter of the change. I believe that, ultimately, the Destiny franchise is heading towards becoming a collection game. I understand that we have shortcomings there right now that we need to address. Concerning making duplicates matter, this is still one of the things we have ideas for.

You project, when something comes out, what you think the problems are going to be. Sometimes you’re right, and you’re like, cool, we can just do the work we planned to do. Sometimes you’re not right, or you have something else come up that becomes a higher priority. So for us, what we’re doing right now is looking at the potential work we could do, and we’ll prioritize it. I still believe, and so does the gameplay team, that we’ve done the right thing for the collection game.”

Destiny 2‘s PC port is out on October 24.

Source: WCCFTech

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