Devil May Cry 5's Director And Producer Would Love To See A DMC Game On The Nintendo Switch! - theGeek.games

Devil May Cry 5’s Director And Producer Would Love To See A DMC Game On The Nintendo Switch!

Hideaki Itsuno and Matt Walker, the director and producer of Devil May Cry 5 respectively, would like to see Dante show up on the portable Nintendo platform.

Express Online has interviewed the duo, who said the following: „We haven’t announced anything for Switch, right? We personally would love to play a Devil May Cry game on [the Nintendo] Switch. I’m one of those guys that always, I want to play everything on Switch. I’m always asking for ports. Either way, we haven’t announced anything for Switch, so let’s wait to see what happens.”

We immediately have an idea for Capcom: perhaps they should consider Devil May Cry HD Collection, containing the series’ first three instalments, to port to PC. As those games were originally made for the PS2 (which then became available on the previous and the current console generation along the PC via the collection), there’s likely no technical limitations behind porting either…

It’s likely Capcom waiting for Devil May Cry 5‘s sales performance. The game’s out on March 8 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and then they will decide about the Switch port (or ports?).

Source: WCCFTech

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