Lost Soul Aside Might Even See A Release This Year [VIDEO]

Lost Soul Aside Might Even See A Release This Year [VIDEO]

Lost Soul Aside, which started as an indie Final Fantasy killer a few years ago with extremely stunning visuals, might be even completed and shipped this year.

Initially, Lost Soul Aside was developed by a single person, Yang Bing, in South Korea. When the Chinese man released the trailer at the end of July 2016 on YouTube, showing the Unreal Engine 4-using (and Final Fantasy XV-inspired) game for the first time to the public, everyone was shocked. However, making such a large game is an impossible task for a single person, which is why a studio formed around him. It’s called Ultizero Games, allowing other people to help him with scripting, characters, props, and other tasks required during development. This change sped up development, and, according to Xinwen Zongheng, Lost Soul Aside, which we last saw at the 2018 ChinaJoy, might even be available by the end of the year.

„The milestone in 2020 is to release this game. We are shaping the game as best as we can do, not just only for the players who keep supporting us, but also for our investors to have a better business return. In the long run, I hope that we can let this IP travel further, by accumulating experience, so that our team may deliver something not just in this genre, but also in other genres,” Yang Bing said.

One of the investors is Sony Interactive Entertainment – we can safely say it, as the game has become a part of the PlayStation China Hero Project. Thus, we can expect a PlayStation 4 and a PC version of Lost Soul Aside. „Yang Bing never knew that Lost Soul Aside can be one of the China Hero Project selected titles when he put the very first demo onto YouTube, also he never knew the trailer he made can attract so many attentions [sic!] amongst global users. Back in that time, his answer to those people was: it might take at least 1 decade to finish the title because he was doing this alone. Now to users, they may not need to wait that long to purchase the copy of the game. So Yangbing came back to China, founded his own company called Ultizero Games and started hiring people all over China to accelerate the process of development. So now, Yangbing is not alone anymore. He already has a team which has more than 14 developers, also he has China Hero Project’s support. […]”, Sony’s site says with some broken English.

Let’s end with a 5.5-minute compilation of Lost Soul Aside. The project is promising, and if it becomes successful, we wouldn’t be surprised if Sony Interactive Entertainment’s planned Asian expansion would start with Ultizero Games…

Source: Gematsu, PlayStation Asia

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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