3dfx comeback was fake: Troll account impersonated the legendary GPU maker

If you’ve been reading on social media these days that 3dfx Interactive was back, bad news.


The return of the legendary graphics card and chip manufacturer was a fake: it was a troll account on Twitter impersonating the brand for uncertain reasons (probably for fun, but it’s not clear yet), which has disappeared from Twitter after the hoax was confirmed.

Whoever was responsible for the prank has since deleted the 3dfx Interactive Twitter account, but not before clarifying in a final message that the account was fake and all the information was fabricated, as DSOGaming shares. In fact, before its closure, this fake 3dfx account published a press release to give integrity to the whole story, but it was so full of typos and mistakes that it was impossible to take it as real.

In its birth a few days ago, this new 3dfx claimed to be born under the umbrella of investor fund Jansen Products, which doesn’t exist, and its goal was to launch new GPUs and chips for TVs, smartwatches, mobiles, etc… as soon as this winter. Impossible given that no one – absolutely no one – had heard anything about it from the usual production hubs, such as China.

Interestingly, this fake 3dfx account was born just a few days after Interplay’s return to development was denied, news that also came in the wake of a fake Twitter account impersonating the legendary company. Someone with a lot of time on their hands and very few games to play in August, so we’ll see if they try a third time with another company from the past.

Source: 3djuegos


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